- All those involved in this activity gathered around 7.00a.m. at Hall of SJK©Cheng Siu.(Breakfast offered)At 7.15a.m., they started to help arranging the stalls and the chairs.The bazaar was then started at 8.00a.m..Some of them were asked to lead people to go to the stalls that they wanted to go.Some of them were asked to help in some stalls.There wasn’t too much people went for this charity bazaar.It was tiring as they had to walk around for the whole day, but they felt satisfied with their performance and their passion shown.After being offered the free lunch at around 12.30p.m., they helped arranging the tables and chairs.They went home at 1.00 p.m, they felt great as they were actually helping those in need at the same time.
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