Sunday, August 30, 2009

New Badge

1=RM 10
design by Dwee Ee Chuan

Recycle Glasses Box

You can recycle old glasses at :-
-The Summit Batu Pahat
-Near Information Counter
- 29/08/09-----30/09/09

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Attention New Logo

Decorating Information Board with Patriotism Corner

  • All those involved in the decorating the Leo information board gathered at the Leo Garden at 7.45a.m. before proceeding to our Leo Club Information Board.When all were present, the O.C, Soh Shi Hao briefly described what they have to do and all started their own work.The elements which they were asked to find were pasted on the board with everyone’s effort.They thought on how to beautify the Patriotism Corner. They had a nice teamwork when they were decorating the board and had a chat about our installation events.Ernest Hoe, the club president, also gave the form 3 directors, Lee Wei Yang and Tey Kak Lok on tips of getting good results, motivated them with some slogans and wished them good luck.After 2 hours of hard work, the information board was now decorated with a patriotism corner.Theme of the 52nd Independence Day, “1 Malaysia” suits our installation theme well too. Having hope among ourselves, for sure it will leads to a united community and result in a peaceful world for all.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

8th Joint Installation for Leo Clubs of HSBP, SMKDSE and CHS

The organizing committees, we were all grad that the 8th Joint Installation of Leo Clubs of Batu Pahat was totally a great success, a delighting event for all of us. The preparations, rehearsals and meetings held regarding the Installation were not at all a waste although it was a bit tiring but every hardship was worthwhile as the event was a success. Nevertheless we were able to sustain a harmonious relationship in order to successfully hold out the ceremony, we avoided dispute among ourselves although there were much times that we met with different decisions. Embracing “Peace, Hope & Unity” served to remind ourselves that we have to go through these obstacles before making this installation a success one. The rehearsals were not so perfect and everything seemed like we were lacking of rehearsing. Questions and queries were headed to Lion Dr Ben where all good answers were given to correctly hold out the ceremony. We also received feedbacks-good ones from Lions and outstation Leos as well as our own teacher advisor that the Installation was a success. There was no occurrence of serious issues during the Installation. Lion Dr.Ben also gave us compliments that had delighted us as he said that he was happy because the installation is carried out according to the standard installation procedures, the improvement had also made him feel proud of us. Donations were all given to a patient who suffered from various diseases. Plus, the performances were all very over-whelming and the audience was astonished and stunned by the great shows performed. There was an unique performance which was STOMP, performed by the directors of Leo Clubs of Batu Pahat, they sacrificed much time to learn it. Not forgetting the performance which received most compliment - sketch did cost us much time in practicing to approach perfection. Besides, we were happy that all Organizing Committee were able to work together to carry out the Installation Ceremony smoothly and perfectly although our installation held right after the PMR trial exam, we first thought that we would be running out of time. After the ceremony, the Organizing Chairman showed gratitude and appreciation to Organizing Committee where all their hard work and perspiration were paid off and made the Installation a success. The theme “Peace, Hope & Unity…The Mysterious Strengths” was also supported and agreed by most of the people, including the Immediate Past International Lions Club President, Lion Albert F.Brandel and the President of Sunlost Publishing ,USA, who had provided our theme song.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Being judges for Class Decoration Contest

  • Only a few form 4 directors were selected by Ms Loh Yet Kiaw to help out two of the judging teacher, Puan Zarah and Puan Noryati.The announcement for the decoration contest was designed and printed by Leo Dick Lee Wei Hao and the hand-outs were pasted by those who involved in this activity one month before the final judgement.Those who involved in this activity were summoned by Ms Loh Yet Kiaw after the recess ended.They walked into every class and found for the patriotism corner of the particular class. After further discussion, decision was made and marks were given.The teachers thanked for our help and appreciated it by giving us 5 merits marks each.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mural Painting

  • Those who are with great creativity were asked to help in this activity.When all of them were present, the O.C, Lim Ze-Young explained briefly about what are them going to do.Soh Shi Hao, who is very good in sketching, drew a rough sketch in the wall of the building. He drew a few flowers on the wall and asked about others’ opinions towards the drawing. They gave him some ideas and he immediately tried to make it a better one.After the rough sketch was done , all of them started to paint together, some were painting at the lower part and some were painting at the upper part.Their cooperation and creativity had changed the wall from a blank wall to a colorful one.After around 2 hours of hard work, the mural drawing ended with the gratitude from Principal of High School Batu Pahat.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lions Joint Installation at Yong Peng

The Lions Installation held at Yong Peng was attended by the Lions and Leos from Batu Pahat. Our District Governor , 1st and 2nd Vice District Governor , Lion Datuk Danny Ooi, Lion Dato Yeow Wah Chin and Lion Dr.Ben C. Ng also attended the installation.We came early just to help out at the event. The Leos gave a hand in checking the cleanliness of the hall and stood at the entrance to welcome the attendants. During the installation, the Leos also helped taking and passing things and important items to various people. 4 of us also helped to take the “Silent Board” whenever there is a speech being delivered. We had the opportunity to meet many outstation Leos and Lions. This installation had given us the chance to know each other well and an opportunity for future collaborations. Further understanding and also teamwork are also emphasized in the speech of Lion Datuk Danny Ooi. We realized and got to know that unity and hope is needed to make sure a club is functioning well. Not forgetting the speech from Lion Datuk Dr.Ben, we knew that we have to emphasize our study instead of having to attend every activity of our club without considering about our academic.We told our member after attending the installation, making sure that they will be able to arrange their time wisely. The Lions Installation is a very good function to be attended by Leos and chances to participate are hard to come by, but nevertheless, our own Lions hoped that we would attend this important function in future years.

Friday, August 14, 2009

LEO Garden

  • All those involved in the cleaning of Leo Garden assembled at the guard house of our school after having their lunch.When all were present, the O.C, Ong Chau Yong distributed work and chores.Most of them plucked weeds and dried grass while others put fertilizer on the plants.Harden soil was removed.The rubbish around the LEO garden is removed and is thrown into the dustbin.Then, the plants and flower were watered.After an hour of hard work, the Leo Garden looked beautiful and clean